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Getting a new job is an exciting time. However, many companies require potential employees to undergo a physical pre-employment examination before officially being hired.

Some common reasons employers conduct pre-employment physicals include evaluating an applicant’s ability to perform essential job functions safely, checking for any health conditions that may impact job performance, and determining health care costs and potential liabilities. While a physical can induce some nerves, coming prepared will help ease anxiety and provide the best opportunity to pass.

This blog will outline key steps to prepare for your upcoming pre-employment physical.

Disclose Accurately and Completely

One of the most important things is accurately disclosing your complete health history on any provided forms. Do not omit or downplay past or current medical issues, injuries, surgeries, or disabilities.

Employers need truthful information to determine fitness for duty and accommodate as needed. Leaving things out could lead to failed results and disqualification.

Bring copies of past medical records, like doctor’s notes or test results, to share if anything needs clarification or follow-up from the physician performing your exam.

Honest disclosure shows good faith and prevents future issues from undisclosed pre-existing conditions.

Review Job Description

Take time before your exam to carefully review your accepted job description. Note any physical requirements like lifting, standing for long periods, or repetitive motions. Let the examining doctor know upfront about tasks you may struggle with due to an injury or health concern. They can determine if modifications or job coaching could help you perform essential functions safely.

Come ready to suggest potential accommodations instead of dismissal if needed. Employers are more understanding when applicants are proactive.

Prepare Your Body

Come to your exam well-rested and properly hydrated. Lack of sleep and dehydration can negatively impact stamina, balance, reflexes, and cognitive abilities.

If the job involves heavy lifting, complete some lightweight training a few days before to avoid strained muscles.

Eat a healthy, balanced meal a few hours prior for steady energy levels during checks. Check that medical equipment like glasses, braces, or hearing aids works well.

Arriving physically and mentally prepared demonstrates responsibility.

Manage Medications

If taking any prescription drugs, supplements, or over-the-counter medications, disclose when filling out forms. Bring bottles or dose instructions with active ingredients so the physician knows about any that may impact exam results or conflict with potential workplace exposures.

Also, disclose if you use recreational drugs, even if infrequently, as some jobs have zero-tolerance policies. Coming clean avoids failed or questionable drug screens during the hiring process.

Discuss Concerns Privately

Do not be afraid to privately pull the examining doctor aside if any sensitive issues arise. Explain cultural, personal, or religious reasons preventing certain tests unrelated to job requirements. Express discomfort about particular procedures calmly so alternative options can be considered.

Honest communication and understanding from both sides can resolve embarrassing concerns professionally. Employers just need assurance of general fitness without all intimate details disclosed needlessly.

Follow Up Promptly

After your exam, follow through promptly on any additional requirements for final clearance, like lab tests or specialist referrals. Delays in this process could negatively impact hiring timelines or offer deadlines.

Keep the employer updated on progress so they know you are actively finalizing medical clearance as quickly as possible. Have documents faxed or mailed promptly once complete.


Approaching your pre-employment physical with preparation and confidence will allow you to demonstrate your commitment to health, safety, and honesty. By accurately disclosing your medical history, reviewing job duties, and communicating openly with the exam physician, you show that you are reliable and can prioritize duty and well-being.

Remember that this exam is merely a step towards an exciting new opportunity. Have faith in your abilities and the guidance this blog provides to ease nerves.

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